"Known for producing superb Belgian-style beers, it's no surprise that Allagash's Tripel Reserve is as good as it is. A hazy golden-yellow color in the glass with a billowy white head that shows good retention. Quite intense scents of candy sugar (Belgian brewing sugar), soft green apple, pepper and sweet spice esters typical of Belgian yeast start off on the nose and then transition to the mouth alongside additional flavors of sweet pithy citrus and raw dough. The hops appear on the midpalate and linger through the dry finish, lifting any perceived sugary sweetness. Warming and full but surprisingly mouthwatering." —Lauren Buzzeo, Wine Enthusiast Magazine
"Appearance: Tarnished gold in colour with a rich and dense white lace, almost looks like frothed milk on top.
"Smell: Exotic fruit, herbal and medicinal all make for a sweet aroma.
"Taste: Light to medium in body with a sweet candy sugar malt flavour. This is soon cut by herbal, grain, and phenolic flavour. Hop bitterness is complacent and is only in the background. Lots of spicy alcohol with hints of celery leaves and pine. Earthy yeast with its raw exotic fruity character laces the palate with more complexity. The fruity flavour lingers with a touch of grain and a heavy hand of warming alcohol ties up the finish.
"Notes: Another stellar brew from Allagash. Top shelf here, perfect example of the style. Rich in intricacies and incredibly drinkable. One of the greatest American Beers brewed in the Belgian style." —Jason Alström, BeerAdvocate